The Project “Supporting Agri food communities and networks in SEE through developing services on digital food quality and traceability using blockchain – DFTB” increased participation of DIHs in South East Europe Region in digital transformation of Agri-food sector with focus on food traceability using blockchain. Project focuses on supporting services that can significantly improve entrepreneurial business with the help of digitalization using blockchain technology creating transparent supply chain from farm to fork as well as enable customer to know history of the specific package or piece of food they are buying. Project focus is on food processors, customers, regulators, local government officials, and consumer protection association representatives. As a result of the Project, participating DIHs are able to offer range of new digital services: Scouting and ecosystem analysis, Technology Road Map, Proof of concept, Workshops and seminars, Lab facilities, Support for innovative business models.



Consortium of four Digital Innovation Hubs in South East Europe partnering with one Competence Centre and one blockchain IT company, is geographically dispersed but reaches wider range of stakeholders throughout the Region. 

Consortium Partners are:




Everyone can try this blockchain solution and see how it works on test environment. You can access is from this web page

  • Self-assessment tool for use by stakeholders to determine their current stage of digitalization. Output that will give directions how to use digital food quality and digitalization tools
  • Communication hub for collecting data with automatic integration to web site and blockchain
  • Web site tool for stakeholders to directly input data about their production lifecycle or supply chain that will be automatically written and sent to communication hub and written to blockchain and published on web
  • API interface for stakeholders that have their own IT system in place where they’ll send their production lifecycle or supply chain data through API to communication hub which will be automatically published on web and written in blockchain
  • Web site for consumers where they’ll be able to search by the lot number and find all relevant information about production of this specific food they are buying, search by products and by producers


SmartAgriHubs is a project funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 funding instrument that brings together a consortium of over 164 partners in the European agri-food sector. SmartAgriHub aims to digitize European agriculture by promoting an agricultural innovation ecosystem dedicated to excellence, sustainability, and success. The SmartAgriHubs project serves as a catalyst for innovation in smart farming. By embracing and promoting European innovation in agriculture and IT, SmartAgriHubs is expanding digital solutions in the agri-food sector and helping farmers and their businesses achieve actual and achievable results.

Horizon 2020 project supported by the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 818182.